Live Naturally : Feedback Form Tear Pad (50 sheets)

Live Naturally : Feedback Form Tear Pad (50 sheets)

Supporting Wellness through Chakra balancing - Tear Pad (25 Sheets)

Supporting Wellness through Chakra balancing - Tear Pad (25 Sheets)


Includes UK tax (where applicable)

These convenient little pads are perfect for doing drawings at events, or collecting info as you give samples, etc. They help you gather insights about your customers and give you ideas for follow-up and assessing exactly where an individual is at during their introduction to essential oils. Capture that information professionally with these super tear pads.

There are 40 sheets per pad and are blank on the back for capturing more information.

Contents: 1 pad of 40 sheets




Bottle - Enter to Win Tear Pad (40 sheets)

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