Supporting Wellness through Chakra balancing - Tear Pad (25 Sheets)

Supporting Wellness through Chakra balancing - Tear Pad (25 Sheets)

Emotional Healing : A Journey of Self Discovery Tearpad by Trish Nash

Emotional Healing : A Journey of Self Discovery Tearpad by Trish Nash


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Emotions & Essential Oils Class Handout

Use these class handouts to teach a class all about emotions and essential oils or as a handout to give to other interested parties who may wish to learning more about how to feel great by synergistically supporting their emotions.

Help others to learn all there is to know about emotions and how to educate others on the importance of mental health, and how to achieve this with your essential oils.

This handout is ideally used alongside the class script, teachers guide and other associated free materials available when you teach a class using Oil Magic Emotions Series 1. 

Contents: 25 sheet handout



Oil Magic - Emotions and Essential Oils - Handout (25pk)

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