If there’s an oil for it, we have a supply for that



 Business Tools
 Business Tools

Business Tools

 essential oils
 essential oils


Sampling Tools




After experiencing the benefits of using essential oils in your home and family, you will want to share these natural solutions with others. An easy way to do this is by sharing your experience along with an oil sample and basic oil education to empower and enable others to reduce their toxic load and support healthy living. In turn you will be creating a way to grow your own oil business. We have all the bottles, tools and cases you need to sample and share.


MyMakes workshop sets are ideal to use in educational / workshop or event setting where customers can make & create, following which they can then take away the remaining brochure and labels to inspire them to use their essential oils more. Workshop sets include 10 brochures & 10 label sheets (which contain both bottle labels and cap stickers. BULK buy and SAVE. Each individual brochure contains at least 10 blend recipes, hints, tips and safety information along with other usage guidance.

Each set also comes with bottle labels and cap stickers to accompany each recipe in the brochure.

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